The Opening


Thanks so much to everyone who made it out to help us officially open CUT/PASTE/GROW! We had a blast, and the conversations we started then will continue into May.


Check out the feature on our “beautiful abominations!” Thanks to Julia Dawidowicz for taking the time to talk to us.

Installing the Show


Here are a few images from our week-long installation at Observatory:

SXSW Create: Making the Unicorn Mosaic, from the lab

Grace building the "bacteria photo booth".

On our return back to Brooklyn, the team congregated at Genspace‘s community biotech lab. With the plates cultured and the bacteria glowing, it was time to capture the stars of the show- our iridescent microbial friends- on film. To do that, the dexterously gifted Grace Baxter created a “bacterial photo booth” that talented interactive photographer […]

SXSW Create: Making the Unicorn Mosaic, from the field

Golgi apparatus or abstract expressionism?

Take a look at a few snapshots of the mosaic tile creation process at the SXSW Create tent on Red River. We had a lot of enthusiastic participants that lended their creative vision to our mosaic- from artists, to venture capitalists, to neurologists and marketers… we had a busy booth and lots of curious and […]

Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts


An illustrated lecture by journalist Emily Anthes Date: Friday, March 29 Time: 8 PM Location: Observatory Admission: $10 – copies of Frankenstein’s Cat will be available for purchase and signing Biotechnology has given us a whole new toolbox for tinkering with life, and we have the power to modify animals in profound new ways. We […]

The Physarum Experiments


Working with an intelligent organism March 26, 7:30pm – 9:30pm Location: Genspace Talk, then Workshop SPACES ARE LIMITED. SIGN UP HERE. “[In] trying to understand systems that use relatively simple components to build higher-level intelligence, the slime mould may someday be seen as the equivalent of the finches and tortoises that Darwin observed on the […]

Opening Tomorrow Night!

Don’t miss it! Reception: Saturday, March 23, 8 PM (@Observatory) Celebrate the show’s opening with the curators and special guest artists. Wine, beer and cheese to be served.


Thank you to the science section of the New York Times for covering our gallery show. Bioartists make art from genes, cells, tissues and even whole creatures. Although the field has courted controversy, this group exhibition, curated by Observatory and Genspace in Brooklyn, has a gentle sense of humor… Have a look here.