Bacterial Photography: Creating Photosynthetic Images Using Living Microorganisms

Diagram of the bacterial photography process

Dark and early one winter morning in New York, Wythe Marschall and I embarked on a quest to find a microorganism—a genetically engineered chimaera—that could turn itself into a living photograph. We intended to join Dr. Natalie Kuldell’s bacterial photography class at MIT. Undaunted by a 3:45am departure time from the Port Authority, unhalted by […]

DIYsect on Kickstarter!

Our friends at DIYsect have launched their Kickstarter campaign—check it out and support DIYbio! Find out more about DIYSect >> DIYsect focuses on DIY Biology and the Biology-Art intersection. This summer, we’re traveling across North America and Europe to film and interview biohackers, bioartists, scientists, writers, and curators that are involved with citizen biology. We […]



CUT/PASTE/GROW congratulates DIYsect—”filming biotinkering for the web”—on its launch! Check out the site to see the first two videos, and stay tuned for the upcoming Kickstart campaign. More on the project: DIYsect is a documentary web-series that introduces people in the DIY Biology, Bioart, and general biotech community. The footage is gathered by Ben and […]